The anime Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the most highly-acclaimed anime. The story of the Elric Brothers is a walk through the gallows of life, and somehow they have no trouble appealing to the funny bone as they laugh through the pain. As well as light-hearted jokes, some fans have twisted the concept more than usual.

Most Fullmetal Alchemist fans know both Edward and Alphonse's insecurities worth a few jokes, but many memes tend to be on the dark side when fans search the Internet a bit more. Below are the darkest, but ultimately funniest, Fullmetal Alchemist memes on the Internet in 2020.

10 2020 VS. Our Plans

Nina represents plans, Shou represents 2020, meme

It's an easy target, but nothing gets an FMA fan in their feelings more than the infamous Tucker family foible. Shou, his daughter Nina, and their dog Alexander's story was so sad it's been cemented as one of the greatest tragedies in anime fan history.

The popularity is bittersweet though because as long as there is an Internet, anime lovers, and meme culture, it's also a safe bet that we'll see more pieces of innovative media like this one. Surely we all looked forward to 2020 with the same hopeful eyes as poor little Nina.

9 If Shou Tucker Was Woke

Shou Tucker thinks about it meme

Not to pick on the tragedy of the Tucker family but as we all have come to know, the Internet has no boundaries. This meme hits especially hard to those of us dealing with quarantining; just like The Sewing Life Alchemist.

It may seem like this meme is an excuse for Shou Tucker's actions but you can rest your conscience about laughing by remembering one thing: having some understanding of the thinking process that led up to the horrific transmutation might just prevent the madness from repeating itself.

8 He Lives For Evil

Kimblee's evil smile meme

TV watchers with any kind of experience know it well: that ear-to-ear grin almost always spells trouble, at least about 98% of the time. In Kimblee's case, the smile most definitely is an indication that a bad day is right around the corner.

Kimblee is a whole different level of crazy: he doesn't mind if it's his own life that's in jeopardy, he'll still be elated, showing off his pearly whites. The guy had to know that trouble was on his heels after all the dirt he'd done as one of FMA's supervillains.

7 The Creepy Kid

Pride is a creepy kid meme

Watching this "kid" in action with his pretend family has to be among the cringiest of sights to see in FMA. Even his ear-to-ear grinning in the dark isn't as spooky as the bubbly attitude Pride exudes whenever he's playing his role as Selim, the adopted son of the Fuhrer King Bradley.

Pride takes the most after his father, a Homonculus who started out living in a Flask looking no different from a shadow himself. You can't miss the relative creepiness.

6 Edward's Love Equation

Edward proposes to Winry is way, meme

The Law of Equivalent Exchange is a concept that's been burned into Ed's head, which is understandable since he was exposed to the pitfalls of the alchemy world at such a young age. So you really can't blame him for using that logic to deal with every aspect of his life, including romance.

Being a prodigy, there probably aren't many who could deal with Edward's obsessive nuances, and having Winry around literally kept both his feet on the ground, even when he was 'head over heels'.

5 The Xingese Connection

Ling and Lan Fan eating food, meme

When Edward and Alphonse opened up their world to Ling Yao and Lan Fan — the Xingese prince and his attendant, they had no problem with graciously accepting all the perks that came with being affiliated with State Alchemists even when the generosity was inferred rather than given.

Like true friends, Ling and Lan Fan weren't shy about really grubbing when they had the opportunity. As far as the bill, it's safe to say they paid off the debt with Xingese badassery against the Homunculi.

4 The Horrors of Kimblee

Imagine Kimblee playing patty-cake meme

Among all of the sub-humanity of FMA's main suspects, it's the Crimson Alchemist who would make the best horror movie monster, right up there with G.O.AT's like Jason or Freddy Krueger. It takes a special kind of monstrosity to have the eldest brother of the Homunculi shook of your presence.

Kimblee is surely not the guy you want sitting across from you, asking to play a game of patty-cake. His whole demeanor is unsettling, whether or not you've heard about his antics in the unjust war with Ishval or about his joy of seeing people get blown to bits (which is probably the scariest oddly satisfying addiction there could be).

Alphonse crying even though he has no body

Alphonse Elric is usually good about keeping his spirits up but he makes it known to everyone he meets that he feels feelings, even though he's basically a robot.

If no one else does, FMA fans know not to judge too harshly about the day to day life of a walking, talking, empty suit of armor who happened to be born into a family of alchemy nerds. Far too many things about Al's life are extraordinary beyond common belief to be caught up about how he expresses his emotions.

2 When Life Gives You Lemons, Transmute!

Scar makes it a bad day for cat

Scar's journey of hateration ruined more than a few people's days. All the madness of people at each other's throats scrambling over the Philosopher's Stone might overshadow the importance of the fight, which is to put a stop to mass destruction.

Of course, most of the destructive behavior was before Scar met the Elric brothers and their friends up close, causing him to face the truth that his whole journey was backward. So maybe, since Ed and Al ruined his mission, it's all even? Equivalent Exchange, right?

1 The Hughes Blues

Maes Hughes is gone, meme

Lt. Maes Hughes arguably had the best work-life balance out of everyone in the Amestrian military and was considered the model soldier. He was loyal to his country and his comrades without surrendering his humanity.

Hughes really is a perfect picture of a well of happiness running dry. Colonel Mustang, Edward, and most of their colleagues were constantly annoyed with him always doting on his wife and daughter, but he ended up leaving just about everyone who was around him with a profound sadness in his wake.

NEXT: Fullmetal Alchemists Greed VS. Seven Deadly Sins' Ban: Who Would Win?